
Awareness Campaigns for all ages

  • in schools
  • through exhibitions
  • through editing works like “Joe Bunni, impressionniste de l’Océan”

Joe Bunni avec les enfants de l'école Pierre de Coubertin
Joe Bunni with children from the school Pierre de Coubertin

Project Mer Vivante (Living Waters)

Financing of a study for an ocean reserve creation project on the colombian pacific coast:

  • Extending the front area of national ocean parks Utria and Sanquianga untill the bathymetric 60 meters zone, thus envolving the whole ecosystem.
    (mangrooves, detritic zone, sand, récifs, autres roches).
  • Creation of protected oceanic areas in front of Buenaventura and Bahia Malaga districts
  • Creation of M.S.C. et Durable Trade labels for the local fishing industry.
  • Developpement of tourism in this area with ecological products, in partnership with coast populations.

In a difficult social and economic environment, those projects should allow better life conditions within ten years for the populations of CHOCO, VALLE, and NARINO districts.

Joe Bunni avec les enfants de l'école Pierre de Coubertin

Study of shark populations

Study of shark populations in the atoll of Rangiroa, Tuamotu archipel, French Polynesia.

The goal: demonstrate the fragility of shark populations (limited number of animals among each specy).

Species in this study:

  • Silvertip shark, Carcharhinus albimarginatus
  • Great hammerhead, Sphyrna mokarran

For example, the number of great hammer sharks is estimated arround seven animals, and their lifespan to thirty to fourty years with a birth every two or three years.

A similar project would concern manta rays, Manta birostris.

By what means?

  • Installation of acoustic tags (300 euros for a one year lifespan), as well as satelite tags (3000 euros for a one year lifespan) in order to measure the dynamic of species (migration, water depth and temperature)