A small gesture towards our planet so much in need of help!
Auction sale at Cornette de Saint Cyr, Paris
Photographies - Grandeur Nature Sale of photographies auction house Cornette de Saint-Cyr Monday, November 14th. 2016, 19:00
France 24 – ENCORE!
Joe Bunni: Skimming the sea's surface for photographic treasure Watch the video here... Culture meets climate change as we take a look at some of the artistic initiatives timed to tie in with Paris's COP21. Photographer Joe Bunni joins us in the studio to tell...
07/03/2012 : 10 minutes pour le dire – France 2
Les animaux de la 8
Phototech, France
Portfolio Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the year 2011 Download the article as PDF...
Femme Magazine, France
Interview of Joe Bunni Download the PDF...
Tehnopolis, Croatia
23/11/2011 : C’est au programme – France2
Géo Magazine, Germany
Double page for the winning picture of Joe Bunni
Natural History Museum, London
Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2011 See the winning picture on National History Museum's website...
The Guardian Weekend
Article Big Picture : Polar Power, by Joe Bunni Download the article as PDF...
Nausicaa – The great whale migration
3 months exhibition at the Aquarium Nausicaa, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. As he did for the exhibition Incroyables Cétacés, Joe Bunni has provided all pictures for the exhibition, as well as for its communication and marketing. Untill 20 Sept 2009
Le toit Citoyen, Arche de la Défense, Paris, France
For the second time, Joe Bunni has granted Toit Citoyen's request to bring the oceans into the district of la Défense.
Paris International Dive Show
9th to 12th Jan 2009 For the first time, SOS Océans was exhibiting at the Paris International Dive Show. This year's theme was Sustainable Development Awareness.
City hall of the XIIth Arrondissement, Paris
SOS Océans introduced the exhibition "Impressionniste de l'océan"